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How to build custom features

Easily build custom integrations or features on Rehive

Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over 2 years ago

Rehive is designed to be highly configurable and extendable.


At the core, the Rehive Platform can be configured for different use cases by setting currencies, accounts, groups, transaction subtypes, compliance tiers, limits, fees, and more. The Rehive Apps are also configurable to change logos, and colors, hide/show features, and more. The apps follow a special framework making it easy to leverage any platform-level configurations and cosmetic settings.

Custom development

Custom features can be developed as Extensions on Rehive APIs as well as making direct codebase changes on the white-label apps. All Rehive Products are exposed as API to build on top of. The frontend application codebase is developed in React and React Native respectively.

It is common for clients to partner with region-specific providers to take care of compliance, on/off ramps, and custody of user funds. We have created a special Building section in our docs to guide you through the requirements of building such extensions.

Advanced features

More advanced projects might entail building custom features to support interest-earning accounts, lending collecting, specialized rewards triggers, external order book, shared account functionality, recurring payments, timed payments, pulling data for advanced metrics, and more.

In the case that a feature can not be developed on Rehive API as an Extension, we are happy to investigate whether it can be supported by making Platform level updates.

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