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White-label preparation checklist

What we require from you in order to begin the white-label handover process.

Michail Brynard avatar
Written by Michail Brynard
Updated over 9 months ago

This checklist includes the necessary preparation to complete the white-label process. Each step can be completed via the Dashboard > Get Started page. Additional go-live requirements are documented here.


  • App name (max 50 characters - will be displayed publicly to end-users)

  • App description (max 255 characters - will be displayed publicly to end-users)

  • Logo: Format: PNG, Width: At least 800px, Height: Less than half the width, Size: Less than 200kB

  • Icon: Format: PNG, Width: At least 500px, Height: Exactly equal to the width, Size: Less than 200kB

  • Colors: Get HEX codes of your primary, secondary, and contrast colors.

  • Rehive App IDs for production and test projects

  • Wallet URL (e.g., needs to be a domain you own and control)

  • Company legal name and address.

  • Link to website.

  • Terms and conditions URL (either on your website or you can use a third-party provider like Iubenda)

  • Privacy policy URL (either on your website or you can use a tool like Iubenda)

  • Sign up for SendGrid and Twilio accounts to use in your Production Project. You will not be able to use Rehive's credentials in production.


  • Complete the registration and get started steps on the Dashboard.

  • Configure a Rehive test project and have the App ID ready.

  • Once you have completed the testing, training and integrations you may request a production project from the dashboard.

Source code download

Source code for the web and mobile applications can be downloaded from the Dashboard. Go to Dashboard > Extensions > App Extension > Codebase.

Codebase download is only available for active subscriptions and not for trial accounts.

Web app (required for white-label web application)

Set up your DNS records and related configurations in the Rehive dashboard as described in the following article: Configuring your custom domain.

Mobile apps (required for white-label iOS and Android applications)

  • Follow this guide on how to prepare the codebase for app store submissions.

  • Apple Developer account registered under your business name (not an individual account)

  • Google Play developer account registered under your business name (not an individual account)

  • If your organization does not have an Apple Appstore account, you will need a D-U-N-S number.

  • Vector version of logo (width: at least 1024px, height: less than half the width, format SVG, max 5MB)

  • Vector version of icon (width: at least 1024px, height: exactly equal to the width, format SVG, max 5MB)

  • (Optional) Unique Apple bundle identifier (e.g. com.yourdomain.wallet)

  • (Optional) Unique Android package name (e.g. com.yourdomainwallet)

  • (Optional) Splash screen image to display on startup for iOS/Android apps

  • (Optional) Mobile app name (if different from web app name)

  • Demo user for the app stores to test the product.

Additional requirements for merchant docs

Log into the DNS provider for your domain and set up DNS records with the following details:

  • Documentation: DNS Name:, Type: CNAME, TTL: 5 minutes (or longer if your provider does not support 5min TTL), Data:

  • API: DNS Name:, Type: CNAME, TTL: 5 minutes (or longer if your provider does not support 5min TTL), Data:

For your javascript SDK, we require:

  • Your account name and access token for publishing your Merchant Documentation SDK.

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