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How do I configure fees?
Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over 3 years ago

Find the group you want to configure fees on. Click on the ellipsis menu (`...`) and select Transaction settings. From the left submenu click on “Transaction fees”. You can create fees per tier. Ensure you are on the correct tier when creating your fee. Click “Add fee”.

Before you configure fees it's best to understand how they work:

  • All fees are triggered by another transaction.

  • All fees are separate transactions to the transaction that triggered them.

  • A fee transaction will always consist of a debit transaction (charging a user the fee). If a fee credit account is specified by an admin, then a credit transaction will occur to that account (this is recommended in order for fee profit tracking).

  • Fees and their associated transactions are linked together in a transaction collection, which is simply a way to group related transactions together. Related transactions can be identified by their collection id.

Begin by defining what type of transaction will trigger the fee. We’ll create a withdrawal fee for USD withdrawals from users' "general" account as an example. Although we specify a subtype and an account definition in this example, they are optional fields and do not always have to be used.

  • Since a withdrawal is a debit type transaction, the transaction type should be set to "debit".

  • Select USD as the currency.

  • Select the “withdraw_manual” subtype.

  • Select the account definition "general". (This will ensure that users are only charged the withdrawal fee when withdrawing from their account named "general".)

The fee triggers are now set up - this fee will trigger on debit transactions with the subtype “withdraw_manual” for USD currency made from a user's "general" account.

Next add fee details:

  • Give the fee a name and description. Be mindful of how the fee is named - fee names determine if a fee is an additive or an override fee.

  • A fee can be charged as a flat amount, a percentage of a transaction, or both. Enter the values you want for amount and or percentage.

  • Since fees themselves are a transaction you can define what subtype the debit and credit portions of the fee transactions should have. We recommend you use a subtype (Rehive's default is to have a debit subtype "fee_charged" and a credit subtype "fee_received") in order to categorize the transactions for tracking and reporting.

The last step is to add the fee credit account. This is the account where the credit potion of the fee will go to. You can select from a list of standalone accounts or you can select an account on a specific user by searching using their email address. We recommend creating a standalone account called "Fees". You can also create more specific standalone accounts for different fees if this suits you better.

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