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How to accept QR code payments

This article will guide you through accepting payments where a customer scans a QR code that you present to them.

Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to accept QR code payments:

  1. Print QR: This is a static QR code that can be printed or presented on your business website. It does not change and the user can enter any amount they wish to pay you.

  2. Create new sale: Create a dynamic QR code that includes an amount that you can specify. This process also creates an invoice with a total amount and a description. The invoice will be marked as paid once the payment has been processed.

We’ll look at both methods.

Print QR

  1. Log in with your business user credentials to your web app.

  2. Navigate to the “Point of sale” tab in the left-hand navigation panel

  3. Select the “Print QR” option

  4. Either allow the customer to scan your screen, or use the print icon on the top right to print the code, so that you can permanently display it.

Create new sale

  1. Log in with your business user credentials to your web app.

  2. Navigate to the “Point of sale” tab in the left-hand navigation panel

  3. Select the “Create new sale” option

  4. Enter the amount you would like the customer to pay

  5. Enter a description for the sale

  6. Allow the customer to scan the QR code using their mobile wallet. The payment will automatically be detected and allocated to the sale.

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