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How do I add a seller?
Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over 3 years ago

What is a seller?

Sellers are a function of Rehive's Product Extension. A verified seller can add and manage products sold in the App via the Merchant Dashboard, which is available to business users inside the App.

How do I set which groups are allowed to become sellers?

In the Admin Dashboard inside the Product Extension's settings, admins can set which groups are allowed to be sellers in the "Allowed seller groups" multiselect. Rehive's builder sets the Business group as an "Allowed seller group" by default.

How do I add a seller? How can business users become a seller?

Currently, the Rehive App requires the Business Extension to be activated in order for sellers to register, as the seller option is part of business onboarding in the App. Ensure that in the Business Extension settings that the group you would like your sellers to belong to (usually Business) is also set as an allowed business manager group. Rehive's builder sets the Business group as an "Allowed business manager" by default.

In the App, if a user registers in a public group which is set as an allowed seller group & allowed business manager group (usually the Business group), they will be given the choice to mark themselves as a seller during their business onboarding. Admins cannot add sellers from the Admin Dashboard.

How do I verify a seller?

Sellers will be able to add and manage products from the Merchant Dashboard inside the App once they have been verified by an admin in the Admin Dashboard from within either the Product Extension or the Business Extension.

Verifying a seller through the Product Extension

In the Admin Dashboard, navigate to Extensions -> Product Extension -> Sellers. Locate the seller you want to verify and click on the row to open up the View seller modal. The seller's status should show as "Pending".

Verify that the seller's information is correct, then click "Quick edit" and change the seller's status from Pending to Verified. Click save at the bottom of the modal.

Verifying a seller through the Business Extension

During business onboarding, a business will be created for the seller, and both the business the seller status can be verified via the Business Extension. In the Admin Dashboard, navigate to Extensions -> Business Extension -> Businesses. Locate the business of the seller you want to verify and click on the row to open up the view business page.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the "Seller information" panel. Once there, select the Verified status from the drpodown and click save.

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