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How do accounts work?
Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over 3 years ago

What are account definitions and how do they work?

Account definitions are a way of defining what account and currency combinations different groups in Rehive should get. Rehive’s standard set of account definitions are as follows:

  • General account. Given to Business group and Individual group.

  • Operational account. Given to Admin, Support, and Manager groups.

  • Sales account. Given to Business group.

  • Teller account. Given to Business group.

You may want to limit currencies to specific groups - through account definitions, you can control which groups get which currencies in their accounts. Account definitions can also define when an account should be given to users in a group by default, and whether it should be that group’s primary account.

Currencies can be archived from any group on any account definition. This will archive that currency for all users in that group in that account, and all associated transactions.

Groups can be archived from any account definition. This will archive that account and all of its currencies for all users in that group, and all associated transactions.

Account definitions can be archived. This will archive all accounts and their currencies from all groups in that account definition, and all associated transactions.

What is an account and how does it work?

  • An account is where users store their funds on Rehive.

  • An account can have multiple currencies in it.

  • Users can have multiple accounts, but can only have one primary account.

  • If an account is set as a user’s “primary” account it means that all transactions made to the user - which are not sent to a specific account reference - will automatically go to this account, as long as the transaction is made in a currency which the primary account has.

  • Users can transfer funds between their own accounts if both accounts contain the currency of the funds they want to transfer.

  • Accounts have no inherent type e.g. check, savings etc.

  • Accounts can either belong to a user or can be a “standalone” account with no user connected to it. Rehive recommends using standalone accounts for operational accounts e.g. for reward budgets, the conversion operational account etc.

How do I add an account?

As an admin, navigate to the Accounts section via the main left hand menu. This will take you to the accounts listing page.

Click the “New” button on the right hand side of the accounts listing page.

Give the account a name. It does not have to be unique.

Select whether the account will be a standalone account or if it should be added to a specific user. To add it to a user, select the “User” radio button and enter the user’s email address.

Check the primary checkbox if this account should be primary.

Select which currencies will be in this account. It must have at least one currency.

How do I add a new currency to an account? How does this relate to account definitions?

Single accounts controlled by account definitions cannot be edited (name, reference, or currency addition/removal), but you can add a currency to the relevant account definition and group combo. Doing this will roll out the currency addition to all accounts of that name, to all groups you added the currency to.

You can tell an account is controlled by an account definition by clicking on it in the User accounts listing page. There will be a a red "i" icon next to the modal heading "Account details" with some help text explaining that the account is part of a definition. If there is no red "i" icon then the account is not controlled by an account definition.

Adding a new currency to an account definition

Example: you want to add USD to all General accounts of users in the Individual group.

To add a currency to an account controlled by an account definition, as an admin go to the Accounts section via the main left hand menu, then click on "Account definitions" on the far right of the horizontal submenu.

Locate the account definition you want (In this case General) to add the currency to and click "Manage".

On the manage account definition page, locate the Individual group block. Click "Add currency".

Select the currency you would like to add (in this case, USD) from the dropdown and then click "Add".

USD currency will now be added to all "general" accounts for users in the Individual group.

Adding a new currency to a standalone account or a single user account not controlled by a definition

To add a new currency to an single account not controlled by an account definition, as an admin go to the Accounts section via the main left hand menu to go to the accounts listing page.

Locate the account you want to add a currency to. It will most likely be easiest to filter by user email or by account reference to find the account you want.

Once you have located the account, click on its row on the listing page. On the view account modal that appears, click “Edit” on the top right corner. In the edit account modal that appears you can add one or more currencies to the account.

You could also add a currency to a single account by navigating to the user from the user listing page, clicking on “Accounts”, locating the account and clicking “Edit” on the top right section of its panel.

What is the difference between an account and an account definition?

An account is a single entity, either belonging to no user (a standalone account) or a single user.

An account definition is essentially an instruction set that tells Rehive what accounts to create on a user when they are added to a group.

What is the difference between a user account and a standalone account?

A user account is an account associated with a specific user.

A standalone account is an account which has no association with a user. Standalone accounts are often used for operational purposes such as the rewards operational account for funding reward campaigns or acting as a liquidity account for facilitating currency conversions.

What is an account reference?

An account reference is a unique identifier e.g. 2RQJKZE7LQ. When an account is created, Rehive automatically generates a unique account reference for it. Admins can override it when creating an account by clicking on “Advanced options”, but this is not recommended.

Account references are used for processing manual bank deposits from customers funding their accounts. When making a deposit to the company’s bank account, customers will use the account reference as the bank payment’s reference. When an administrator is processing bank deposits, they can match up which funds belong to which user by identifying them via the account reference number.

Can an admin override an account reference?

Admins can override an account reference when creating the account by clicking on “Advanced options”, but this is not recommended.

Can users send funds to another account reference instead of an email or mobile number?


Can users add their own accounts?

A user or merchant can in theory add an account which their group has access to via an account definition but which is not a “default” account. However, this functionality has not been added to our app yet.

Can a customer block their account?

Not currently, but we want to add this functionality in future.

Can an admin block specific accounts?

Admins can add limits to a specific user’s account or disallow credits, debits, or all transactions.

To do so, locate the user whose account you want to block in the users list. Click on the user and once on their user details page, click the “Accounts” link in the horizontal submenu. Locate the account you wish to block.

Disallowing transactions or adding limits have to be done on a per-currency basis in an account. Click on “Settings” for each currency you want to add a limit on or disable transactions.

From there go to “Transaction settings” in the vertical submenu. In the Transaction settings you can toggle allow transactions, allow debit transactions, or allow credit transactions. You can also disallow specific subtypes for this currency and account combination.

To add limits to this currency, go to the Limits menu in the same vertical submenu.

What is the difference between an available account balance and the account balance?

Available account balance refers to all complete transactions minus pending debit transactions.

Account balance consists of all complete transactions. Pending transactions are ignored.

What is the difference between a user profile and a user account?

A user profile refers to the entity that encapsulates a user - a user logs in to their profile and has access to the app through it.

A user account is where funds are stored. A user could have multiple accounts with different currencies. A user accesses their accounts through their user profile.

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