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How do groups work?
Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over 2 years ago

What is a group and how does it work?

Groups are a way of classifying users. They can be used to configure different business rules for different types of users. Business rules can be constructed using group permissions, limits, fees, and subtype controls.


Sections are a high-level way to classify groups and their access level and help manage notifications.

A group can belong to one of two sections - either User section or Admin section.

  • User section groups can access the end-user facing apps such as the web or mobile app. Blocked from accessing the Admin Dashboard.

  • Admin section groups can access the admin facing Admin Dashboard.

Groups also have more granular permissions that further control their access and abilities - for example, the support group is an admin-section group, but has reduced permissions compared to the main admin group.

Group permissions

Rehive offers two sets of permissions on a group - admin and user.

  • Admin permissions dictate what actions a user can take and what information they can access in the admin API and through the Dashboard. Admin permissions give users the ability to do actions on other users.

  • User permissions dictate what actions a user can take and what info they can access on their own user.

The admin group has all admin and user permissions by default. Any group created through the Dashboard has all user permissions by default. Rehive’s preset Support group has some limited admin permissions to allow those users to conduct business support activities on the Dashboard.

How do I add a group?

As an admin, navigate to the Groups section via the main left hand menu. This will take you to the groups listing page.

  1. Click the “Add group” button on the right hand side of the groups listing page.

  2. Give the group a name (a label is auto generated from the name) and description.

  3. Select the section. If you want users in this group to be able to access the Admin Dashboard, choose Admin. If users in this group should be limited to front-end facing apps, choose User.

  4. If you want users to be able to select their group on registration, check the “public” checkbox to make it publicly available. You’ll also need to set “Enable public group selection” in the Auth section of the App Extension to make group selection display on registration.

  5. If you want this group to be the default group users are added to when they register, check the “default” checkbox.

  6. You can optionally select a group highlight color. This will highlight any user in this group on the users listing page.

  7. You can also optionally upload a group icon. This icon will show up in the user registration process if you allow users to choose their group when registering.

What are the reserved groups added by Rehive?

Rehive adds the following groups as part of our templates:

Admin-section groups:

  • Admin - This is a system group that cannot be removed and whose permissions cannot be edited. Has full admin and user permissions. Essentially a superadmin group.

  • Extension - This is a system group that cannot be removed and whose permissions cannot be edited. The group houses extension users required for Rehive’s extensions to perform functions.

  • Rehive review - A system group with a review user to allow Rehive to assist with configurations in your project.

  • Support - A group with limited admin permissions to manage users and resolve support queries. Support can view transactions but do not have access to creating/updating transactions or system configurations.

User-section groups:

  • Individual - Default and public group which users registering through the app are automatically added to.

  • Business - A public group. Users in the business group merchant-specific functionality in the web app.

What is the difference between the reserved Admin and Support groups?

The reserved Admin group functions as a superadmin group. It has full admin and user permissions and can exert full control over system configurations.

The reserved Support group functions as another support group but with fewer admin permissions. Its permissions are set to allow users to handle easy support queries from customers.

To read more about each group’s permissions, see our Standard Configurations document.

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