How does White-label Hosting work?

Your branded domain and applications.

Helghardt Avenant avatar
Written by Helghardt Avenant
Updated over a week ago

All Rehive branding is removed from all end-user application touchpoints. This includes branding, email notifications, and domains. The latest development releases are published on a regular basis.

We offer custom branding hosting for the following applications:

  • Web Wallet

  • Mobile Wallet (iOS and Android)

  • Merchant SDK

  • Merchant Documentation

Note that for the Mobile Wallet, we support White-label Hosting on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You have to invite Rehive as an administrator to your app store accounts. This means that you need to open your own app store account using your own legal business entity.

Note that for web-based hosting Rehive provides instructions on the Get Started page to set up your DNS configurations. We don’t need access to your domain registrar.

As part of the Get Started process you have to prepare your logos, branding, and app store accounts. It takes 5 to 10 business days after receiving the materials and invitations to publish your app.

Note that Rehive only focuses on the technical and product requirements to ensure successful app store submissions. We do not provide any guidance related to the terms of use, business restrictions, and legal requirements for app store submissions.

Note that White-label Hosting is not available for the Administration Dashboard.

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